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Volunteering with Coffee & Computers

On Friday 27th January Jacksons Lane opened its doors once again for its monthly Coffee and Computers group. The drop-in aims to help local residents who are looking to keep up with today’s technology and gain confidence on their own personal devices all in a supportive environment- and with the comfort of a hot cuppa…!

The session started with volunteer and guest introductions followed by the usual discussion about what skills participants were hoping to master or just simply attempt by the end. Each guest was then paired with a volunteer whose tech knowledge best suited their query.

It was my first time volunteering at coffee and computers and I was delighted to hear how varied the requests for help were; from emailing, to assistance with transitioning from iOS to an Android operating system after previously owning an Apple smart phone.

As an Apple user I was paired with an 80-year-old gentleman who was keen to learn how to make video calls to his friends in America. ‘You’re young, this iPad stuff should be easy for you’, I was assured by Clive*. I too, thought it would be a breeze, but after ten minutes passed I found myself still fiddling with the settings as the Gods in the iClouds kept signing me out of Clive’s account every few seconds. Rather than waste any more time I reluctantly suggested we instead try another application and introduced Clive to Whatsapp, where he would be able to complete the same tasks using his brand new smart phone.

After downloading the app I explained how Whatsapp worked and showed Clive the steps to take to initiate a video call. He was a fast learner! To trial his new skills, another lovely participant offered to add him to Whatsapp and within a couple of minutes, Clive had successfully made his very first video call. It was so rewarding to see how pleased he was and he informed me that he would be telling his friends in both France and America to download Whatsapp too.

I’m really looking forward to hear how he’s been getting on at the next Coffee & Computers at the end of the month. I'd recommend anyone with a few hours to spare to volunteer.

*names have been changed

Coffee & Computers sessions happen at Jacksons Lane on the last Friday of the month (excluding August and December) starting at 10:30am and finishing at 12:30pm.

To find out more contact us on 020 8347 2411 or email Coffee and Computers is growing and there are now also regular sessions at Highgate School, Shine Centre Turnpike Lane, Crouch End Library and Highgate Society. To find out about the sessions happening at these venues or to ask about volunteering opportunities contact Eric on 07842 082 034

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